In the left sidebar, you will see the link “Leads”. Click the link.

The second link in the dropdown list is “Create New”. Click the link.

Laid out in two columns and three sections are all of the fields for leads.

Basic Information:

The first section is Basic Information:

Left Side:

First Name: Enter the Name.

Primary Email: Enter the Email

Direct Phone: Enter the Number

Assign User:  The signed-in user will be selected automatically. However, you can change the user.

Lead Source: Select from the dropdown box.

Investor:  Select from the dropdown box.

Nationality: Select from the dropdown box.

Property Refs: Enter the property references that interest the lead.

Right Side:

Second Name: Enter the Name.

Secondary Email: Enter the Email.

Mobile Phone: Enter the Number.

Lead Status: Select from the dropdown box.

Viewing Trip: Check the box if a lead has booked a viewing trip.

Lead Type: Select from the dropdown box.

Wants Guest Annex: Select from the dropdown box.

Email Opt Out: Select from the dropdown box.

Customer Search

The second section is Customer Search.

Left Side:

Min Beds: Enter the minimum amount of bedrooms the lead wants.

Min Land: Enter the minimum land size the lead wants.

Max Price: Enter the Maximum Price the lead says is available for purchase.

Right Side:

Location: Enter the area or City where the lead is interested.

Min Price:  Enter the Maximum Price the lead says is available for purchase.

Property Type: Select from the dropdown box.

Amenities: Select from the dropdown box.

Description Details

The third section is Description Details.

This text area is where you keep track of your conversation with the lead.

Sales Stage

The fourth and final section. This section is for reporting sales, and it is essential to be accurate here as it affects the reporting module.

Left Side:

Buyer’s name: Enter the full name of the buyer.

Finder:  Select from the dropdown box.

Seller: Select from the dropdown box.

Promissory Date: Choose the date of any promissory contract.

Promis Com:    Enter the amount paid on any promissory contract.

Escritura Date:   The date the sale happened.

Documents:  Enter any information concerning documents.

Right Side:

Property Ref: Reference number of property sold

Finders Comm: The amount of commission owed to the finder.

Sellers Com:  The amount of commission owed to the seller.

Commission: The total amount of commission.

Sales Stage: Select from the dropdown box.

Offer Amount: Amount offered by buyer.

Remember to press the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

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