Add Property Amenities and Location 4

Amenities: The fourth link is  “Amenities,”  click the link. During set-up, you will have added standard Amenities to your website. Now you select the ones that are suitable for this property. Location:   The fifth link is “Location,” click the link. Location: Select the nearest location to your listing. Usually, you would select a child location […]

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Add Property Details 3

Details The third link is on the Add Property page is Details: Click the link. Meta Keywords: This adds keywords to your meta tags. Meta Description: This adds a short description to your meta tags. Number Of Bedrooms: Add number of bedrooms. Number Of Bathrooms: Add number of bathrooms. Living Area: Enter the square feet […]

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Add Property Pricing 2

Pricing For Sale The second link on the Add Property page is Pricing: Click the link. The first two buttons you will see are “For Sale”  and “For Rent.” Click the appropriate link let us do the For Sale link first. Price: Here, you enter the property’s price, do not use periods or commas, just […]

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Add Rental Property

It is the same as adding a For Sale listing except for the pricing section when adding a Rental Listing. When in Pricing, click the button For Rent. There are ten fields visible: Default Pricing Plan (currency): This is the default plan for this property and is when there are no specific rental pricing plans […]

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Add Property General 1

Add Property for Sale. Welcome to propesy. We are going to look at adding a property for sale. In the left sidebar under “Manage Properties,” you will see “Add Property” click the Add New Property page link. On this page, you will see five links at the top of the page: General Pricing Details Amenities […]

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Manage Properties

Manage Properties Welcome back to Propesy. We shall look at Manage Properties. You will find the “Manage Properties” link in the left sidebar. Click the link. You will see ten links across the top of the page. By the side of these will display the relative numbers associated with the name. All Properties: Rentals: Buying: […]

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Welcome to Propesy

Hello everybody, and welcome to Propecy, your CMS, CRM, a Real Estate website, and CRM, all integrated. You can have as many users and clients in your CRM as many properties on your website, and it won’t cost you a single penny more ever. There are no monthly charges. This solution is an all-in-one non-stop […]

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