Manage Types:

Below Configuration in the left sidebar is Manage Types: Click the link.

In the top right corner, you will see a button Add New Type: Click the button.

Name: Enter the type of property. It is best to start with a parent type such as Residential or Commercial. You can enter the property types in any language you have installed.

Slug: your-url-will-be-created-from-this-so-it-needs-to-be-written-in-this-way. I have always copied the name.

Parent type: If this is a parent type, leave the field as none. If it is a child type such as House, then select the parent, which in this case would be residential.

Manage Districts:

On the left sidebar under Manage Types, click “Manage Districts”.

There is a button “Add New District” in the top right corner. Click the button.

Name: Enter the name of your District. It may be a county or even a more significant District like a state or a province. It will depend on how you want your locations to be structured.

The same District will have different names in different languages in some cases. An example of this would be Lisbon in English, Lisboa in Portuguese and Spanish but Lisbonne in French. You should add all appropriate translations at the same time. I would advise you to get your lists of Districts and their translations ready to copy and paste them straight in.

Slug: Use the name of the District if it has more than one word, then you must write it like this your-url-will-be-created-from-this-so-it-needs-to-be-written-in-this-way.

District Picture: If your theme supports pictures in the header, you can upload one here.

Before you add locations, please make sure that you have added your Districts.

You will see in the left-hand sidebar “Manage Locations”. 

Once you have clicked the link, you will see the page Location List in the top right corner. Click the button New.

You are now looking at the Add Location page; there are eight fields on this page.

Name: Here, you enter the name of the Town or City.

Slug: The slug is what creates your URL, so enter the name of the town or something like property-for-sale-name-for-the-city. This URL type will help your SEO if that is important to you.

Description: This short description goes into metadata.

District: Select to which District your town or City belongs.

Zip Code: The zip or postal code of the location goes here.

Parent Location: Depending on how you wish your search to work will determine if you set up Cities or Councils as Parent locations. Much depends on the size of the area you cover. If you cover one City, then it will be the parent, and you will add boroughs or parishes of that City as child locations. It is easier to think about this before. But do not worry. You can always come back and enable or disable parent locations.

Featured Price Per Day: Set your daily featured price for this location if it differs from other areas.

Location Picture: If your theme supports location pictures, then this is where it will go.

Hello and welcome back to Propecy. We’re going to look at amenities

we have called “facilities” and “suitables”, you’ll find it near the centre of the left-hand sidebar.

So click on the link, and you will enter the page Manage Amenities.

You will see two buttons Add New Facility and Add New Suitable.

It is up to you to choose which way you use them. I have always used facilities for items such as Central Heating or Central Vaccum. Suitables I have used for Near a Golf Course or Near the Beach.

Click one of the links, and you will see a field and a drop-down list. I advise you to have a list prepared that you can copy and paste. Even though there are two options, you can enter both Facilities and Suitables from either. The difference is that they are auto-selected if you choose one in particular.

Name: Enter the Facility’s name or Suitable at the top of your list and click save. You will see that you can also enter the different translations while you are there.

In the left sidebar, scroll down and click the link Manage Plans. Plans are for paying customers who put on their properties. Owners will choose a payment plan to get listed on your website during property submission. You can also change it by editing the pricing tab of each property.

If you are not offering this service, you need not worry about plans. Just keep First Plan. Here you will see some preloaded plans which you can edit to suit your own needs. You can also add additional plans. In the top right corner, there is a button “New”. Click on the button.

Plan Name: Enter the name of the plan.

Start Price: This is the setup price used only once during submission.

Grace Period: You can set a free trial here like the first three days are free.

Interval Price: Enter the cost of advertising the property for the interval you set in the “Interval Duration” field below.

Interval Duration: Enter the number of days you wish the interval to be.

Special: These plans are for admins and editors only and are not visible to users.

Manage License

In the left sidebar, scroll down and click the “Manage License” link.

License key: Copy and paste your Propesy License Key here. If it is valid, your licence details will appear below.

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