Custom fields

In the left sidebar, you will see the link “Settings”. Click the link.

The second link in the dropdown list is “Custom fields”. Click the link.

Propesy has all of the fields that I use in my Real estate company; however, you may want to add more.

At the top of the page, you will see Module. It is next to a dropdown list. The list contains the following:

Contacts: All contacts that are not buyers leads, such as sellers, staff, suppliers.

Leads: All potential buyers.

Tasks: Todos include follow-ups and phone calls.

Events: Events include meetings and viewing trips.

Choose which Module you wish to explore. You will see all of the fields ordered into seven columns:

Field Label, Type, Column, Required, Active, Actions

You will need to study them and see if it is suitable for your agency.

The fields divided into sections have header tiles such as Basic Information.

You can add a new section by clicking the “Add Section” button located just to the right of the module field.

Add Section:

Click the “Add Section” button, and a popup window will appear with two fields.

Section Name: Enter the name of your new section.

Section Order: Enter a number, “0” goes to the top. You will need to count the sections to determine which number you wish to give this section.

Click Save.

Your new section will appear. You can change the name and order of this section by clicking edit.

Add Custom Field to Section

Scroll to the section that you wish to add a Custom Field to.

Click the Add New Field button.

A popup window will appear with seven fields. Being in a popup window lets you see what type of information goes where.

Field Label: This is what the user will see, such as First Name

Field Name: This text must have no spaces or special characters as the system uses it. It must also be unique. An example is “firstname”.

Type:  There are eleven types. You must decide which type is best for this custom field.

Column: Contacts in the CRM have two columns. Here, decide which column is best. The first is the left column, and the Second is the right column.

Order:  Enter a number, “0” goes to the top. You will need to count the fields to determine which number you wish to give this field.

Required: Is this field mandatory or not.

Active: Is this field active or not.

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