Add Property for Sale.

Welcome to propesy. We are going to look at adding a property for sale.

In the left sidebar under “Manage Properties,” you will see “Add Property” click the Add New Property page link.

On this page, you will see five links at the top of the page:

  • General
  • Pricing
  • Details
  • Amenities
  • Location

The first is General and selected by default.

Title: This is where the title of your advert goes, so it should be compelling.

 Search engine link (SEO): your-url-will-be-created-from-this-so-it-needs-to-be-written-in-this-way.

 Description: This is where the main text for your advert goes. A WYSIWYG editor provides ease of use, or you can use source code mode to enter HTML.

Listing Plan: You may have multiple listing plans set up. Here is where you choose which plan applies to this listing.

Type: Select which type of property most suits your listing. You will have the opportunity to choose more than one type later, but this should be the most searched for “property type” by your users.

Owner: By default, whoever logs in will be displayed in this field. However, you may choose to make one of your agents the owner of this listing.

Automatically Renew: When this checkbox is enabled, this will reduce the amount of credit an owner has with you once their listing plan expires.

Active: The property will be live on the website when this checkbox is enabled.

Agent Only: Only logged in agents or admins will be able to view this listing on the website when this checkbox is enabled.

Admin Contact: Users will see the admin or sales team contact details instead of the owner’s contact details when enabled.

Reference Id: Add your property reference here. Tip add something to alert your team which agent is the lister. Adding a suffix or prefix can save your admins much time.

Add Property In XML listing: Select yes or no to add your listing to the XML feed. This function will work for, but we can customize it for other feed providers.

Show On Homepage: This will create an advert for this listing on the top of the homepage if your theme allows it.

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